Follow Mike’s Adventures

Mike Green on the Relationship Revisions Podcast
How far would you travel to uncover leadership truths? How about hiring a leadership coach who takes you to the wild? Listen to Mike Green’s methods and insights regarding coaching, leadership, and having a peer coach.

Mike Green on Episode 14 of The Business Builder Way
Mike Green, Adventure Coach and author of Wandermust, believes leaders are formed in the wild. In this week’s episode, Mike will tell the story of how he was teaching 10th grade global history in New York one minute and then declaring that he was going to hitchhike to Alaska the next minute.

Anatomy of Back Country Retreats
Nature kills all pretense… Rediscover your leadership truths and experience life-long change with back country retreats.

Great Food And Alaskan Leadership Training
Discover your deepest leadership truths and experience reality in a way you never thought you would… Explore Alaskan leadership training for you or your team.

Alaska Leadership Training Success Formula
Discover the success secrets behind Alaska Leadership Training. This little formula is responsible for astonishing lifestyle changes for top performing leaders and CEOs.

How It Works: Alaska Retreat Coaching For Your Team
Alaska retreat coaching creates the ideal retreat scenario to refocus your leadership team and give them renewed purpose.

Connecting to Your Full Power featuring Mike Green in Strive Magazine
Why is living and leading from your “truths” so important? Well, because otherwise we never step into our full power. And because otherwise—no matter what it looks like on the outside—we flounder.

Mike Green on Episode 9 of Inspired By Freedom Travel Podcast
Mike lives and breathes his own philosophy that leaders are made in the wild, in all environments, no matter how extreme.

Does Your Team Need An Alaska Coaching Retreat?
Unite and realign your leadership team on an Alaska coaching retreat. Refocus your team with the retreat of a lifetime!

How Adventure Travel Coaching Will Fix Your “Life Flow”
See how adventure travel coaching will help you reclaim your life and leadership goals.

Guided Coaching Sessions In Wild Alaska
Escape the insanity of soul-sucking routine, get outside of your comfort zone and create life-long change with guided coaching sessions.

Backcountry Coaching Expeditions Restore Order
Why backcountry coaching expeditions? Rediscover what’s important to you… eliminate what distracts you from being the greatest person and leader you can be.

Upon Arrival Podcast – How adventure travel transforms leaders and answers their toughest questions
Adventure coach Mike Green puts high performance individuals and teams in situations far removed from their usual environment to find the version of themselves they’ve been looking for.

The Coaching Studio Podcast
In all environments, no matter how extreme, there is a shared fundamental need: people who are brave enough to discover their leadership truth.

Backcountry Coaching & Your Deepest Truth
Our workaholic daily existence threatens to hijack our purpose… get a fresh start with backcountry coaching in the Alaskan bush.

Catholic Men of America Podcast
Jeff Cassman interviews performance coach Mike Green, a master cerified coach. He is a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, author and has traveled to all seven continents.

How An Outdoor Leadership Retreat Will Change Your Life
Outdoor leadership retreats simplify and clarify everything. Solve the biggest problem most leaders face and rediscover your deepest truths.

Wandermust! Personal Development and Leadership Skills Through Travel
Mike coaches high performance individuals and teams via Alaskan Leadership Adventures. His extensive travels and life experience in doing so has undoubtedly shaped the advice he gives as a master coach.

Outdoor Leadership Expeditions Destroy Lies & Reveal Truth
Outdoor leadership expeditions destroy deceptions of day-to-day life. Do you dare to embark on a journey into silence to rediscover your deepest truths?

Formed In The Wild – Hitchhiking across the country, the kindness of others, and using the outdoors to build great leaders
In this episode we discuss Mike’s life experiences that inspired him to help others, by asking the right questions, leaving people better than he found them and practicing integrity with Mike Green Leadership. If you’ve ever wondered what steps you can take to take control of this adventure we call life, then this ones for you!

Powerful Transformations in the Wilderness
In episode 57 of The Third Way podcast, Mike and Justin discussed “what does the wilderness teach you about yourself”, “what’s the biggest transformation you’ve seen someone make from a wilderness experience” and “what’s something you learned in another culture that you wish we had more of in the US”.

Be Brave at Work Podcast
I was a guest on Ed Evarts’ podcast, Be Brave at Work, talking about bravery in the workplace.

Outdoor Coaching – Here’s What You Can Expect
Outdoor coaching triggers an internal and life-changing journey, anchored to the unforgettable memories you’ll make discovering your deepest truth in the Wild.

Adventure Coaching Leads to Meaningful Wins
In episode 21 of The Visibility Factor podcast, Mike Green shares how, in all environments, no matter how extreme, there is a shared fundamental need for people who are brave enough to discover their leadership truth.

Outdoor Leadership Program Alaska – What You Need To Know
Will Outdoor Leadership Program Alaska help you? Take on the Alaskan bush, get a fresh start. A new you. A new approach to life. And create a new future.

Is Alaska Adventure Coaching What You Need?
Alaska has been my outdoor playground of choice for 25 years. And its rugged beauty holds a secret. And once you realize it, you’ll completely

The Adventure Leadership Program – Turn Your Future Into Gold
Embrace the Adventure Leadership Program to shatter the vicious cycle of stagnant mediocrity, discover your true self and realize a future you’ll be proud of.

Discovering Your Leadership Truth Featuring Mike Green
Mike Green joins How Now? to talk about answering our inner call to excellence, abandoning mediocrity, and learning to move from present state to our destined leadership status.

Finding Ourselves in the Wilderness Featuring Mike Green
Episode 47 of I am Driven Podcast. Mike has seen his Drive on display in all aspects of his life and shares with us his transformation from curiously wandering the unknown to leading others through it.

Need Amazing Coaching? Get A Master Certified Coach!
Here’s why you need a Master Certified Coach to get your life on track, unlock your potential and achieve your goals. You deserve the best of the best.

Backcountry Adventures – Leave It All, Find It All
All backcountry adventures give you two landscapes to explore. Escape into the wild to discover your hidden strength, leadership and immense potential.

Adventure Coaching For Top Leadership And Self-Discovery
Leadership and Adventure Coaching with Mike Green – Thrive in the wild and unlock the deeper adventure of growth and self-discovery. Be who you were born to be.

Why Wilderness Leadership Training Creates The Greatest Leaders
If you’re a bad leader in the wild, you and your people die. If you’re a good leader in the wild, everything else is a piece of cake. Unlock your Wilderness Leadership potential with Mike Green.

The Astonishing Power of Global Leadership Adventures
Break free and do something great… Explore the globe & gain leadership skills you’ll carry forever with Mike Green’s Global Leadership Adventures. Great leaders are made in the Wild. You got what it takes?

How The Wild Builds ELITE Leaders – Mike Green, Adventure Coach
Discover new strength, achieve your goals and become a leader people will love to follow. Realize your true potential in exploring the wilderness. Need an Adventure Coach? I’d love to join you on your journey.

Ode to Mal Morgan, a Dynamic and Bright Mentor
I’ll be turning fifty years old this coming March 17th, and it’s a meaningful milestone to me. As I’ve been reflecting back on my decades

Happenstance, Serendipity, or the Navajo “Pollen Path”?
Picture: Navaho sand painting to a Blessing Chant (Pollen Path). New Mexico, c. 1950 Have you ever experienced a “chance meeting” that changed the trajectory

Navigating the Hero’s Journey
When I really started traveling at the age of twenty—leaving my hometown in western New York to drive to Washington state, for a new job

Following the Inner Call through Pain to Triumph
I’ve built a life around following my call to travel the world, but it hasn’t always been easy. Some trips took more perseverance, but when

Hitchhiking from NY to Alaska with nothing but trust in strangers
Mike Green wanted to prove to his 10th grade global history students that the world was still a good place filled with good people. To

Discovering a life of beauty, friendship, intentionality and truth
This past year has been incredible and life changing for my family and me. I was awarded my Master Coach Certification by the International Coach

Seven little known truths of leadership
Watch and/or listen below as Mike speaks with Keegan LaMar, Founder & CEO of LaMar Coaching about the 7 Global Truths of Leadership. Listen on

How relationships and courage supported our growth
Watch and/or listen below as Mike speaks with Keegan LaMar, Founder & CEO of LaMar Coaching. They speak all about how we got into coaching,

Mike speaks with Steve Urban from Riderflex
Watch and/or listen below as Mike speaks with Steve Urban, Founder & CEO of Riderflex. You can also find this podcast episode on social media