Alaskan Personal Expansion Project
July 13 - 18, 2025

Have you been dreaming of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, exploring the great outdoors, and are you ready to embark on a personal growth journey? If yes, are you ready to travel to the interior of Alaska for an immersive personal growth experience?


My name is Mike Green, Master Certified Coach (MCC), and for 27 years, Alaska has been the most incredible place to grow personally and professionally. I am now offering a group experience where 6 people will stay in our “winter home” called Ridgeview, located deep in the interior of Alaska, near Denali National Park.

Ridgeview will be our base of operations, where we will work, live, rest, eat, and launch our outdoor adventures together. Those adventures could be but are not limited to rafting, fishing, hiking, or entering Denali National Park. We are going to keep the week’s agenda top secret to further create a growth andexpansion experience. We never know what is around the corner of life, and you won’t know here either. We’ll keep you safe, but we’ll make sure all the right places of your brain and being are stimulated.

But the Alaskan Personal Expansion Project (APEP) isn’t just about adrenaline-pumping activities. It’s also about personal development and growth. I have thoughtfully designed this experience to expand participants’ understanding of themselves and their capabilities. Some of that will happen on your own, and some of that will happen in the group.

What sets this APEP apart is the intimate setting and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals embarking on their personal growth journey. With small groups of only six people, participants will have the chance to forge deep connections, learn from one another, and create lasting memories. After the event concludes, there will be a follow-up session six weeks later to ensure ongoing support, discuss progress, and provide group accountability to continue the journey of personal and business expansion.

“I have thoughtfully designed this experience to expand participants’ understanding of themselves and their capabilities.”

Can you imagine the power of being immersed with 5 other like-minded people who are willing to invest their time and money to expand and grow? In Alaska? With Mike Green?

Interested? There are some criteria for applicants:

You must be able to:

Hike 6 miles in a day

Pass a physician’s physical before being accepted

Get yourself to and from Denali Park on Sunday, July 13th

Read my book, Wandermust, A Hero’s Journey To Seven Truths, twice

The great coach Steve Chandler says we read once for information and twice for Transformation. The book is about me and my client Ian, but you will read the book about you. You are on your own adventure, and the past all adds up to create who you are today and who you will be in the next days and years of your life. You can read the first chapter here.


$9,000 non-refundable, paid in full to secure your spot. I will hold your spot based on your verbal agreement and pending payment, but if someone else pays in full first, you could lose your spot. Remember, this incredible experience has space for just six individuals.

About Mike’s love for Alaska:

In 1997, I came to the Denali Park area for the mountains but returned to the area for the summer working season again and again for the people. I have been adventuring in the backcountry of Alaska ever since. For most of that time, I have been an Asst. Alaskan Big Game Hunting Guide. In 2018, after waiting nearly 20 years, my wife Erin and our two boys, now ages 7 and 10, were able to purchase the original homestead near Denali National Park.

I am an author of the leadership book Wandermust, A Hero’s Journey To Seven Truths, a Global Keynote Speaker on Leadership, a facilitator of leadership courses, a Master Certified Coach, and an International Outward Bound Instructor. I am a solo business owner who has traveled, worked, and coached people in leadership in over 64 countries on all seven continents in a multicultural array of top corporations and outfits. Read more information about my 1:1 experience and that I offer just 3 spots each spring/early summer for one-on-one work.

I am an intentional traveler on our planet. I want to help you create your intentional life.”

– Mike Green

Sign-up Process:

How and what is the process to be accepted in this elite group?

1. Email me ( your desire to be one of the 6 participants in the APEP 2025. Please send a rambling and meandering email about where you are in life and business and purpose and why you want to join. Tell me what is next for you and what you are creating and why you believe this experience will be transformative. What will you add to the group? The email can be a list of bullets or beautiful prose, the form doesn’t matter as much as the content.

2. If space is available, I will send you an email asking you to schedule a one-hour call for us to start the onboarding process. The onboarding call purpose is to understand your intent to participate, ask some basic medical questions, answer any questions you have, and discuss the next steps.

3. Upon successfully completing the onboarding call, you will be directed to the payment process. Once your payment is received, you will be notified that you have an APEP 2025 spot.

4. You will start reading the book two times as though it were about you. Your experience of transformation starts way before you board a plane/train/automobile for Alaska.

5. You will then be invited to schedule a full 1 on 1 coaching call with me.

6. In early June 2025, I will facilitate the 1st of 2 90 min group calls with all 6 APEP participants. We will get to know one another, our intentions for APEP, and have Q&A.

7. You will be encouraged to connect with each other 1:1 and start to think of this as your Expansion team.

8. Two weeks later we will have the 2nd APEP group coaching call.

9. When it is the right time, you will board a vehicle or start walking toward Alaska.

10. July 13th, 2025, at high noon at the Denali Park Train Station, your on the ground in Alaska portion of APEP begins!