Elite experiences customized for your lifestyle.
You’ve made the decision to develop a disgust for mediocrity. You’re committed to excellence in every area of your life. You’re hungry for victory over self-doubt and you’re eager for adventure. Mike Green is the proven coach you need for transformation, whether in person, in virtual meetings or in the wild.
You’ll discover the glorious truth about who you were created to be.
You’ll answer the questions that have nagged you for years or decades, so you can race towards new levels of achievement in your life.
You’ll discover the lasting peace that comes with a confidence earned through trial, testing and victory over that nagging voice in your head that tells you there is more out there for you.
Mike works with his clients in person, by phone, via Zoom, and in the wilds of the world. Pick the communication method that works best for you.
Apply today and learn how a customized, performance-oriented coaching program will enable you to finally achieve those life and career goals that have seemingly remained out of reach.