Guided Coaching Sessions In Wild Alaska

If you’re on the fence about getting guided coaching sessions for you or your leadership team through Outdoor Leadership Program ALASKA you need to pay attention…

And if you’re a high-performing leader, CEO, or member of a leadership team sick of hotel retreats and you’re looking to dig deep and create positive change in your life… this may be one of the most important blog posts you’ll ever read…

Because we aren’t talking about just any guided coaching sessions…

These outdoor coaching adventures create a perfect state for lifelong change…

You escape the insanity of soul-sucking routine, get outside of your comfort zone and face simple and undeniable realities about the world and yourself.

You’ll simplify your life and find peace and silence to really examine your internal landscape. You’ll be more objective, less distracted and have the freedom to rediscover what’s most important to you in life and direct your life accordingly.

It really does amazing things, so please listen carefully.

On these guided coaching sessions, I’m just the “guide” you’re the hero

If you’re a leader in any capacity, you know that a teacher can only teach as much as a student is willing to learn.

It’s the same with guided coaching sessions, I’m merely the guide, you’re the hero on a journey to reunite with your deepest truths and build a better version of yourself.

It’s about you. Your journey. Your life. Your future transforming before your eyes into something you’ll look back on with pride and a smile.

I’m just the extra, there to guide/coach you along.

Firstly, I’ll guide you in the physical sense. If you’re not used to roughing it in the Alaskan wilderness, it can be a little dangerous. So my first job is to make sure you’re not in any real peril and that you don’t eat any strange berries or get hopelessly lost.

But honestly, when it comes to you and your journey, the physical guidance is the least important thing.

Secondly, I’ll guide you in the mental, even spiritual sense…

Maybe that sounds sketchy… so let me explain.

Guided coaching sessions are about creating a new and better life for you in tune with your deepest truths. Your deepest truths are internal realities only you can discover (or rediscover).

Yes, you’re making an external journey in the Alaskan bush, but you’re also making a serious internal journey.

It’s my job to give you a helping hand at the precise moments that you need it.

It could be a simple statement or a question.

I intervene only at very specific times when specific needs arise…

…most importantly, once you’ve done an extraordinary amount of heavy lifting yourself… (you are the hero after all)

And believe me, I’ve been doing this for 25 years…

My simple “guiding/coaching questions”, at the right place and time, can change your entire perspective about where you are and where you want to be…

Sometimes we need that, we can be our own worst judge and harshest critics. That’s why it’s so important to have a guide on this journey. It could change the course of your life.

Your hero’s journey begins and ends with you

At the end of the day, you have to make the decision to change your life. To shut down the things in life that drag you down or pull you further from your hopes and dreams. To reorient your path to achieve your greatest fulfillment.

Only you can do that.

You could fly out into the remote backcountry of Alaska for guided coaching sessions …

We could go sea kayaking in the Prince William Sound or fly fishing for trout on the famous Clear Creek outside Talkeetna… We could traverse the northern side of the Alaskan range, or spend the afternoon spotting game in a valley below…

But if you’re not willing to make the internal journey, to delve deep into your heart, mind and soul to discover who you truly are and what will truly make you happy…

There’s no guide on earth who can help you.

That part of the journey depends on you.

And if you’re ready to make that life-changing journey, I’d love to guide and coach you through it.

Click here to apply for Alaska wilderness coaching with me.

I look forward to helping you discover and live your deepest truths.

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