How It Works: Alaska Retreat Coaching For Your Team

Looking to send your leadership team on a leadership retreat? That’s a great idea… fantastic… you should definitely ship them off to Alaska. Think I’m crazy? I’m not. So why should you take what I just said seriously? Why choose Alaska? Why choose Alaska retreat coaching?

The answer is simple.

If you want your team to go on a leadership retreat it’s because you want them to clear their mind… rediscover their “why”, to refocus on the company’s mission and vision.

Typically that means less distractions, less noise, less frantic activity.

They have enough of that in their day-to-day work life don’t they?

So answer me this…

Between the two options below, which is more likely to give your team what they need to achieve the mission you hope for?

  • A cushy hotel, stuffy conference rooms and seemingly endless talks and babbling seminars?
  • Or a week in the silent solitude of the Alaskan bush where the only distraction is an expansive horizon of unspeakable beauty? Where the only duties are simple ones that allow you to reflect while you work… in an environment stripped free from all of the frantic responsibilities of normal life… guided every step along the way by an experienced adventure coach.

Now, I don’t need to be convinced because I’ve seen the evidence time and time again. Alaska retreat coaching for leadership teams works wonders. It transforms the lives of everyone involved and radically improves the life of their company.

But if you’re the more skeptical type…

How does Alaska Retreat Coaching work?

Alaska retreat coaching creates the ideal retreat scenario by balancing invigorating work, thoughtful reflection, and productive conversation…

All while keeping life as simple as possible.

Here’s how a typical day will go for you and your team…

We’ll start the day with a working breakfast. Coffee is considered essential in the Alaskan bush… So over breakfast and/or coffee, we’ll take stock of your team’s leadership goals…

We’ll explore what’s working and what’s not just to get a lay of the land each day and define our mission.

Each day we’ll set aside time for two primary activities: work and experiencing Alaska…

Both of these have important parts to play in Alaska retreat coaching.

Now, when I say “work”, I’m not talking about the kind you’re trying to get your team away from…

Our work will be simple… things like chopping firewood, gathering supplies and carrying water to and from camp.

These simple yet invigorating tasks allow you to look inward and explore your own heart and mind. Believe it or not, sometimes this is where the transformations happen.

If we’re not working, sharing a meal or chatting around the fire, we’ll explore the Alaskan landscape.

And that could mean so many things…

  • We could do group kayaking in the Prince William Sound
  • Fly fish in famous freshwater streams brimming with life
  • Track caribou or other wildlife
  • Hike through dense forests
  • Simply scan the breathtaking scenery from mountain heights

You’ll be astonished how the beauty of nature and the power of the Alaskan wilderness can quickly distill what is most important.

Balance is the key… and the goal!

There are three qualities of a good leadership retreat and they must be properly balanced for maximum results:

  1. Highly productive. (in the sense of refocusing on the company goals)
  2. Restful. (so they can return to work full of life and energy)
  3. Invigorating. (so they can use that life and energy to make serious progress for your company)

Alaska retreat coaching achieves a natural balance.

It puts things in perspective.

It simplifies things and narrows your focus.

Your team will rest from the merciless distractions of our digital age… human brains weren’t made to keep up with computer processors.

Alaska retreat coaching puts things back in order. It restores balance!

And if you’d like your leadership team to experience a leadership retreat like no other… and you’d like to infuse your business with new life… here’s what you need to do now…

Contact me today about Alaska retreat coaching for your team. Provide an estimate for your group numbers. My camp can accommodate up to 12 people comfortably.

I’d love to help you and your team refocus your mission and meet your company goals.

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