Why Wilderness Leadership Training Creates The Greatest Leaders

Wouldn’t you like to know why other leadership training falls flat when compared to wilderness leadership?

Here’s the short answer:

If you’re a bad leader in the wilderness, you and your people die or get extremely uncomfortable.

The stakes are high, there’s no room for silly mistakes. If you don’t really know your stuff, you and your poor wilderness followers are headed for your demise.

That means wilderness leadership is about doing things right the first time. It’s about making careful decisions because people’s lives may depend on it. You have to keep a cool head so you can consider all factors in play. Then you can plan for success to emerge with the best possible outcome.

It sounds intense I know, but when it comes to a skill like leadership, you get out what you put in.

And here’s another thing…

If you’re a successful leader in the wild, all other leadership situations are a piece of cake.

In wilderness leadership you have no choice but to get good.

I mean, think about it, as a leader in the wilderness, your decisions are felt so strongly by you and your followers that even a small bad decision can be catastrophic and there are no redos. You can’t just hit “CTRL+Z” and undo it. You can’t just send a text to correct yourself. You can’t lose your cool.


In the wild, your decisions have very obvious consequences. If you fail, you know it right away and everybody else does too. The evidence will be right in front of you. That’s why on my Global Leadership Adventures I teach you to be the kind of leader that’s calm, conscious and intentional… I cover more qualities of a wilderness leader in my book WanderMust available on Amazon.

A wilderness leader is the kind of leader that survives and thrives in any situation…

How about some free advice on developing those qualities?

Wilderness leadership hinges on three things:

  1. Self-sufficiency (you can take care of your own stuff)
  2. Awareness of your surroundings (either to avoid them or take advantage of them)
  3. Doing what you can with what you’ve got (making sure to make the best use of your strengths and bolstering weaknesses wherever possible. If you’ve got people following you, this principle applies to them too.)

You could also use the military’s SWOT philosophy: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

If you’re a leader, it’s your duty to approach every circumstance you face with this mindset.

  • First evaluate yourself: “What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?”
  • Then your surroundings: “What is most likely to harm us right now? What can be the biggest help to us?”
  • Then your followers: “Considering my own abilities and the current circumstances, what are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of my followers? How can they best work for our benefit and survival? What do I really need to take care to avoid?”

Once you figure out that info, you can start putting together a game plan for success… Then you can start taking steps to get there.

Let me be clear. In my wilderness leadership program expeditions, you will learn to be an elite leader… Even if right now you think you’re such a poor leader you couldn’t even lead a horse to water.

Believe me, I’ve seen many highs and lows with my clients… But guess what? Every single one of them comes out of their adventures better off than they went in and with far greater leadership ability than most people alive.

If you’re tired of mediocrity and falling short in life, it’s time for a change. If you’re striving to become a leader that people would love to follow, it’s time to make a move. It’s time for you to reach your goals and live a life you’re proud of, but you must choose it.

Apply for wilderness leadership training with Master Certified Coach Mike Green and get started on your journey that’ll carry you through all of life’s adventures.

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