The Coaching Studio Podcast

Today’s guest is someone who I think you are going to enjoy; I am excited to introduce you to Mike Green, MCC. In our conversation today, we talk about Mike’s adventure into Leadership Coaching, becoming an MCC, and how each coach has to discover how to let go of their baggage, such as the idea of adding value, in order to become the coach their clients need.

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Mike Green’s story reads like something from a Hemingway or Kerouac novel. This guy hitchhiked from New York to Alaska just to prove a point. He believes that leaders are made in the wild. In all environments, no matter how extreme, there is a shared fundamental need: people who are brave enough to discover their leadership truth. Throughout his 30 years of working and traveling around 63 countries throughout all seven continents, he has documented over 11,000 hours of coaching along the way. His book Wandermust, A Hero’s Journey To Seven Truths chronicles some of his travels as well as how he coaches clients in the outdoors. Mike utilizes various methods, including dynamic workshops, virtual coaching, face-to-face coaching, and adventure coaching, to help uncover clients’ leadership truths. He earned the Master Certified Coach accreditation from the International Coaching Federation, which is the highest standard for coaching.

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